Stephan has been busy finishing up the retaining wall and laying out the framing for the sidewalks. It is going to be wonderful getting in the concrete to help cut down on all of the dust flying around here. With all of the busy-ness of the summer, it is hard for him to get a good run at finishing up the projects that need to finished. Between his DJ'ing on the weekends, kids, jury duty, trips to AZ he is in the never ending start/stop way of working. However, I have complete faith in his busting butt abilities!!!
We are both headed down to AZ, but he is going to be coming back a few days before I will so hopefully when I come back I will have nifty sidewalks to walk on!!! PLUS, it will get me out of the evilness of skittering or whatever it is called of the sidewalks! UGH, that nearly killed me last summer. So I figured, leaving that chore to the boys would be a good thing!