Monday, May 13, 2013

Things that make you go hmmmmmm

Chicken coop or dog pen???

We aren't really sure WHAT this monstrosity was SUPPOSED to be, however, someone did put an old computer monitor to good use and turned it into a target for pellet guns.  I, honestly, keep thinking we are going to unearth a dead body in the back 40.

So not only were the inhabitants of this humble abode pure SLOBS their pooches were dumber than a box of rocks.  This tilted structure is actually a dog house, but the brilliant pooches dug all around it and made it tip over.  Pretty sure they were putting up a moat to protect them from the troll that lives in the resident hole.

No more coop!
The good news is we had a guy come and clean up a bunch of the garbage in the yard.  They have already taken away the chicken coop converted into a dog pen slash shooting range.  THANK GOD!   So far no dead bodies, so I am pretty shocked and pleased at the same time.  The dog house is still here, but they should be picking up the remnants of the piano AND the dog house sometime today.

Patrick has been slaving away pulling all the weeds, the poor little guy is up to his arm pits and it's quite funny watching him yank on those weeds.  He he he How can I NOT sit back and chuckle when he pulls so hard he falls on booty?  He is beyond adorable.

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